Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Untitled because I am suffering from writers block

This is going to be one of my blogs where I just type and type and I really don't have any idea what I am going to say or where I am going with anything.  The phrase is "stream of conscience" writing.  The reason for the switch from subject based writing to a free for all is because I am suffering from a severe fucking case of writers block.  I wrote a blog for SAHMMY.COM's Thanksgiving edition.  However if you go to the site you won't see it there because I trashed the bitch because I was droning on and on and not saying a god damn thing.  I read it back to myself and I swear I wanted The Terminator to burst through my door and say "Sarah Conner" for which I would reply, "Yes!!! Goddammit it's me....shoot me...shoot me now!!!!"

Life lately has been a series of challenges.  I'm about to hit my 2 year anniversary of unemployment.  I've lost my house, my credit rating, my version of man's best friend Jordan, my dignity and my ability to be hired in the field I spent the last 20 years in.  I've applied for jobs in retail but due to constraints on the hours I can work (mostly days) I am not getting the call backs.  Currently my title is work/stay at home dad to my kids which I am grateful for the chance to be able to do.  Having said that my kids are getting older and are testing limits so I have to dole out a little bit o' punishment, which makes me the de facto bad guy much of the time.  My daughter sings the "I Miss Mommy When She Goes To Work" song each and everyday and on cue she ends up crying harder than Michael Jackson on "She's Out Of My Life".  I deal with this almost every day.  And I get she misses her mother when she goes to work, but for the love of all that is good and holy how about being thankful you're not being raised by some relative stranger who has several kids to watch over and can't give you the one on one attention you so desire.  How about giving dad some props for taking you to the mall and getting you on the bus ride or serves you up the treat of pretzels or ice cream.  How about the dad who picks you up when you are to tired to walk despite the fact he is pushing your sibling in the carriage.  How about going to the park or for a walk or playdates. I know parenting is a thankless job and I don't do anything with the expectation of being patted on the back.  Having said that I hope in the years to come my kids will look back and say, "I was so lucky to have my dad home with me when I was younger...he is the best daddy evah!!!!

As I mentioned before I had to put down my dog Jordan.  It was decided this would be done before we left our foreclosed home and moved into the apartment.  His condition was worsening and I couldn't put it off any longer.  So after a trip to McDonalds for his last meal of a double cheeseburger and fries, he was brought to the vet where my wife and I said our goodbyes to Jordan and watched him fall asleep for the last time.  I should mention its getting harder to type this because my eyes are welling up.  That dog was a pain in the ass.  He whined alot, had vile breath and always needed to go out just as I would sit down to watch a movie.  But he was also a great companion many nights after everyone had gone to bed and I was working in my office.  He would lay at my feet and I would pet him with my toes. He was addicted to the laser light and would often be looking for it hours after I put it away.  He would always conform his little body to mine after I would fall asleep at night and very often I wouldn't know he was there until I woke up in the morning.  He loved going to doggie daycare and was very popular there.  I remember picking him up after his first day.  He was so exhausted her slept on the ride home and I was forced to carry him inside the apartment.  I placed him on the couch and he did not move until the next morning.  He was a good dog and I miss him everyday.

Jordan was with us for a few years when we got him a playmate in September of 2001.  Her name was Zoe.  Zoe was for all intents and purposes Jordan's sidekick.  Where Jordan would calculate his paw pressure on the pavement to maximize proper posture and minimize wear and tear on the pads, Zoe usually had a look like she was thinking "Left foot, right foot, left foot right foot."  In other words, she wasn't very bright.  But what she lacked in intelligence she more than made up in sweetness.  She was a lovable oaf.  She would occasionally give some trouble but overall she just followed Jordan around.  When Jordan didn't come home from the vet that day, Zoe noticed immediately.  Zoe's health started deteriorating shortly thereafter.  We decided we would bring Zoe to the new apartment with us.  She adjusted ok but the excessive stair climbing and lack of a place to run took it's toll and Zoe's health started to fade.  We sent Zoe to be with her brother Jordan last weekend.  I remember seeing my wife drive away with Zoe in the car and I started sobbing like a little girl with a skinned knee.  I knew we were doing the right thing because we didn't want her suffer anymore but she was just so sweet I saw her face and it was if she was saying "Oh boy a car's been a while."  I wanted to be with her in her final moments but I had a previous commitment I couldn't get out of.  To me Zoe was always like Fredo Corleone.  Not to smart, very sweet and I hated that she didn't have her entire family around her in her last moments with us.  My wife was there with her and I have to believe Zoe was ok with that because otherwise I would be filled with such sadness.  Sleep well Zoe.  I hope you and Jordan are running around the backyard again.

Ok I am going to send this up.  Thanks for bearing with me during my time of utter writing uselessness.  I hope I have better things to write about the next time I put fingers to keyboard.

Best wishes,


PLUG:  Check out the funniest blog for parents and other humans @

Friday, September 17, 2010

...And Then, 12 years, 7 months & 25 days Later

On January 24, 1998 I went to see "Good Will Hunting" in a Metro West movie theater.  I was feeling frustrated, angry, scared, emotionallty and physically alone.  The reason I remember the date: Super Bowl XXXII was the next day.  A few hours after getting out of the movie, I would abandon all reasoning, become unhinged emotionally and uttered hurtful words which changed the course of several lives, including my own.  It became the day I would beat myself up over realizing of how stupid and hurtful a person I could be at times.  "Good Will Hunting" had since been the token reminder of that night and what happened, and for that, I refused to watch it again.  

Upon reflection it's probably why I would bash Matt Damon every chance I got...but that isn't important right now.

Over the years, despite being forgiven by those involved,  I had tried to forgive myself but to no avail.  The mere mention of "Good Will Hunting" would start me headed down the path of self loathing and the uncontrollable need to feel like a jerk all over again.

Then tonight Sept 17, 2010, 12 years, 7 months and 25 days later or:

  • 4620 days
  • 399,168,000 seconds
  • 6,652,800 minutes
  • 110,880 hours
  • 660 weeks

While trolling the Netflix Instant Watch selections I came across "Good Will Hunting" and for the first time since that cold, snow dusted night I watched it.  I watched it alone again, and I didn't obsess over that night.  I didn't relive my actions moment by moment.  I didn't remember how I felt in the moments after I let loose a tirade of epic hurtful proportions, I didn't feel my shame, my disgust, my self loathing the morning after.   I didn't see the teary face of one I hurt trying to apologize that morning.  I didn't sit wishing ad nauseam "If only I could go back and change it".  I simply sat and watched what I now know as a pretty good, well written, well acted, well directed movie.  I have finally forgiven myself once and for all.  What's done is done.  Life moves forward.  Leaving the past in the past, next stop: The future.

After all this time I am able to say I accept my actions from that night and can finally tell myself what I needed to hear.  

Paul, I forgive you.   

If there is something YOU are holding inside and aren't able to forgive yourself even though all others have, I hope one day you find the strength to really forgive yourself because I gotta tell you, despite feeling the weight of my world on these shoulders lately, at this moment, it feels much lighter.

As for Matt not worth the effort... ;-)



Saturday, September 04, 2010

What goes around, comes around you Goony Goo Goo Bitch

I thought it would be fun for my 21 month old son and I to take a trip to Boston and stroll around the Public Gardens.  It's was beautiful, breezy day just ripe for walking, laughing and people watching.  I circle around the Gardens a few times looking for a parking space.  As luck would have it I passed one and stopped about 1 1/2 car lengths away.  I start to back up and another car starts to pull into the spot.  Normally if this happened in any smaller, non-metropolis locale, I would be inclined to start looking for another spot.  But this isn't a small metropolis where on-street parking is aplenty.  So I back up as far as I could and I get out of my car.  I ask the person to not take the spot because I was backing up into it.  The driver ignored my plea.  I approached the driver side door and asked again, perhaps little louder and maybe a few colorful metaphors sprinkled in.  Again I was ignored.  My level of frustration and anger was perdy close to "Glenn Close - Fatal Attraction - I Wont Be Ignored" levels.  Finally the driver rolls down his window and starts explaining to me I had pulled up too far and he was entitled to the spot.  I explained to him he was entitled to nothing and should do the right thing and move his car immediately.  He did not heed my advice and parked his car.  I again used some colorful language and my last words to him were "You reap what you sow, mother f'er".  I walked back to my car and began looking for another spot.  

As luck would have it a spot looked to be opening up not far from the last spot.  I politely asked the person if they were leaving and they responded in the affirmative.  They left and I parked.  As I was getting out of my car, the man and his (barely) female companion were approaching.  The female? said in a sarcastic tone,  "Oh I see you got a spot".  I responded with, "I had a spot back there but some ignorant asshole took it so just keep walking."  She volleyed back with, "You are not a nice person" with my response just acknowledging her, "Yep I'm not a nice person, YOU are a saint." I repeated to both of them, "Reap what you sow".  They walked away and I gathered up my son, his carriage and went on my way.  

As I walked towards the Gardens, I realized I was walking past their car.  I just happened to noticed the meter showed 00:00.  In other words, they didn't feed the meter.  Probably another entitlement of theirs.  As I walked away I made a wish and just let it be.

JD and I really enjoyed our time in the Public Gardens.  We saw several wedding parties doing pictures, joggers, people with puppies, ducks, swan boats, the statue of Washington on a horse (which JD loved).  We stopped to listen to a man breathe into a saxaphone...(and thru the walls you hear the city groan.  Outside it's America...sorry couldn't help myself)...where was I????  Oh yeah the Public Gardens.... Just a beautiful day for JD and I.  Lots of good Father / Son bonding.  After an hour we made our way back to the car.  As we passed the vehicle owned by the ignoramus and his Goony Goo Goo Aunt Bunny female companion I saw, to my glee, the glow of an orange rectangle gracing their windshield.  A smile wider than the Goony Goo Goo Aunt Bunny's ass appeared  and I thought to myself, "vengeance is mine!" (insert sinister laugh here)  I looked at my son and said one word, "Karma".  He looked back at me and said, "pee pee!"

As I was getting the van packed someone was waiting for my spot.  As I was putting JD in his seat another car pulled up and asked if I was leaving.  I explained to him someone else was already waiting for the spot pointing to the other car.  He cheerfully accepted it and moved on.  The gents in the car waiting gave me the thank you sign and I acknowledge it.  As I was moving towards my own door I noticed there was still an hour left on my meter.  I dropped in two more quarters and told the guys the meter was on me.  

JD and I left Boston feeling good knowing that good triumphed over evil today.  The down side is, I think I may have an anger management issue.... eh, f that and f you if you think that too!!!!! ;-)


Saturday, May 01, 2010

Detoxing Myself...Again

I'm living my life addicted a drug.  My drug of choice is food, crappy food to be more precise.  Sitting on the couch or at the computer eating the crappy food.  Not getting enough sleep because I am on the couch or at the computer eating crappy food.  Not getting enough exercise because....well by now I hope you get the picture because I sure as hell do.  There is a word for people like me..."overweight, crappy food eater who spends more time watching TV and putting crappy food into his mouth than doing something good for his body."  Oh wait...that was more than a word....well fuck's accurate.  Moving on.

If history has taught me anything it's that when it comes to taking care of me and my body I very rarely see anything to the very end.  I'm good for a little while and then magically (by magically I mean some fucked up reason that shouldn't have so much power) I just stop.  Could be stubbed toe, too many rainy days in a row, Mars in retrograde or someone killed a butterfly on the other side of the world and a tsunami happened in my life.  I have been unable to stay on the path to a healthier me for more than a few months at a time.  A few examples:

Few years ago I had an A1C of 11.1 which any diabetic or diabetes familiar will tell you is CRRRRRRAZY high for an diabetic.  I started taking care of myself. From February until June I was effective with my eating, exercising and medication.  In June my A1C was 6.6, which those same people would tell you is perdy f'n good.  Then I just stopped doing what I was doing.  Within 3 months my A1C was back up into the 9's

Last year I started running. I started in July by walking and eventually I was able to run a 5K without stopping (actually my personal best was 4.37 miles without stopping).  I ran in 4 races in that time and while I was not in competition I still felt like a few million pounds (£) (it's worth more than the American dollar).  I ran a race in October.  A few days later, without any pre-thought I stopped doing it. 

Those are just a few of the recent ones.  I can go back 15-20 years where I was taking care of my self and then POW BANG BOOM......nuthin.  

My therapist and I had been working on it because therapy is good for a person.  But guess what... I stopped going to therapy too.  C'mon you saw that coming, didn't you?

So what am I going to do?  I'm not getting any healthier putting shitty food in my body and not working out or running or any kind of aerobic exercise.  My wife and I were sitting on the floor today playing with JD and she looked at my feet and said, "Your feet look dead!"  Personally they are very white but I have full feeling in both feet and my doctor looked at them a few weeks back and didn't have too much concern but the point is.... my feet look dead.  Still the question is on the table...What am I going to do?  But is that really the right question to be asking?

I feel I have demonstrated having the knowledge of what to do and how to do it.  The real question is, HOW DO I KEEP MYSELF DOING IT BEYOND A FEW MONTHS?  This is my quest.  Arthur had the Holy Grail.  Vladimir and Estragon had Godot and the people who saw Gigli in the movie theater are looking for their refund.  I am looking for my way to stick with it.  Until I find it I'll just keep trying and minimize the abuse time in between.    

My Plan:  The last week or so has been brutal and I need to stop abusing my body via food now.  I started a detox of my system tonight.  Nothing chemical just keeping my diet healthy, drinking plenty of water, increasing my exercise from 0 to 60 minutes a day and getting more sleep.  Oh yeah and I am going back into therapy.

Wish me luck and I welcome any comment or suggestions.  

Still thinking of a tagline!


PS: the photo above was not staged.  I made Sara some alphabet pasta.  After she said she was done, I took her bowl and when I looked inside those were the letters left, I just arranged them to be closer to one another. 

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Not Fade Away

Not Fade Away

My life as it stands today is a mix bag of missteps, mistakes and missed opportunities. I should point out however my life is not over yet. I have decided to take back my life. My life is not a collection of my mistakes. My life is not about the bad choices I have made time and time again. This life I am leading is not about where I am today. My life is about what I am going to DO today to secure my better tomorrow. My life is about remembering the missteps, mistakes and missed opportunities, learning where I went wrong and saying "Screw You" to ever falling down the rabbit hole again. But what is all this talk without a plan? I'll tell you….it's crap. feces, cow patty, waste, refuse….it's shit. So what's my plan? Do I, in fact, have a plan? The answer is yes… not yes and no, not maybe, not I think so. If my answer wasn't a solid yes without hesitation, I am back having blue hawaiians with the Tidy-Bowl man. I am the fucking king of "kinda have a plan but I have to wait for certain things to happen to make the plan work." That has served me about as well as a David Ortiz at bat in the young MLB season. Without a plan, without careful execution of the plan I will end up going down swinging without making any kind of progress. And where does that lead?….that's right…more shit.

Say what you want about Keanu Reeves but his speech in "The Replacements" about being in quicksand is right on. It's so easy to get trapped. The plan works when you submit to the plan, believe the plan and execute the plan. This time I trust the plan no matter what happens along the way. It could come to pass that life throws me a curve ball and a part of the plan gets tripped up. In the past that would spell doom for the whole plan because I wasn't completely committed to the plan. Now should I get tripped up (and I am sure I will) I can compensate, re-adjust, quickly reevaluate and keep the plan alive because I TRUST THE PLAN, which in turn means I trust me to get through the plan with my goals achieved and even surpassed. I have finally arrived at the place I need to be. A place where my fucking mess of a life doesn't make sense to me anymore and I taking back control of it once and for all. It's never not too late. It's not impossible. It just takes the commitment to the plan, the code to make it what I want it to be.

Words on a computer screen are cheap…and mine are cheaper than most. The action steps within my plan are obtainable with absolute commitment to the code I have laid out before me. I can't be half in anymore. No longer can I afford to be the king of "I tried", "I can't", "It's too hard", "My life is too crazy" or any of the hundreds of excuses I have used over the years. I merely have to be the man who says less and does more. To quote a great line from a so-so movie,

"I'd piss on a spark plug if I thought it would do any good"

Start that engine and ZZZZZZZZZIP!!!! I got stuff to do.

Still looking for a good tagline,



Sunday, April 11, 2010

Seriously...I Saved THAT?

I've moved a few times in my life. From the time I was 20 until now I have moved a total of 18 times. I know this because I just sat down with a piece of paper and went through the whole thing and even I am amazed at the number of times. So here I sit on the verge of at least another 2 moves before we get settled after the foreclosure. I bring this up because on Saturday I spent several hours in my storage facility in Malden going through all my STUFF. I gotta tell ya, I have stuff going back to move number 1 from Malden to St Petersburg Florida in 1987. While I don't consider myself a pack rat, I do have an abnormally high "sentimental" attachment to certain things like letters, cards, cd rom drives, empty phone boxes, girlie stuffed animals (obviously ex girlfriends must have left them in my apartments…pffft) and copies of Windows 3.11 for Workgroups. I had to make a decision on everything in that bin, "Do I need it or not?" So began my quest…

Surprisingly the choices I had to make were simple. I must have gone through 4 or 5 boxes before I saved anything. The deeper I got the more I realized I had a SERIOUS F'IN PROBLEM with throwing shit away. I guess at the time I felt I needed to remember the past because I wasn't to invested in the present or the future. My life is completely different now and the past isn't as important as it once was. Once I got past that feeling it was so easy to throw stuff in the trash pile.

Photos were the top thing I saved, that's completely understandable…although I did trash some photos of me and an ex-girlfriend when I was living in Washington State. It's not because I had any hard feelings towards her, the photos were us hugging, laying together on a couch at Christmas time and the like. I took them in one last time and said a brief but fond farewell to the photos (CANDYMAN, CANDYMAN….who dares me?).

I'll return to the bin later this week to go through the rest of the boxes and with any luck I'll be able stop renting the storage bin once and for all.

My psoriasis is clearing up nicely with the meds. Another few days to get through the itchy phase and by Thursday I will be on a maintenance plan of application ever third day instead of daily.. WHOOOO! Wish I could say the same for the bursitis but I still have a few days to go for the meds to kick in.

Still no call back from the two friends I called last week. I officially stopped wiling my phone to ring.

Lastly, I walked 8 miles today which is my longest walk since I did the Walk For Hunger 12 years ago. Mentally I started off with a goal of 5 miles. When I hit the 2.5 mile mark I didn't feel like turning around yet. As I approached the 5k (3.1 miles) I didn't feel like slowing down so at just shy of 4 miles I decided to turn back towards home. It was a gorgeous day for a walk and given my life as of late, my body will definitely make use of the added movement to release those much needed endorphins. Here's to tomorrow and another 8 miles….or more…

Thanks to all those who have subscribed to this blog!!!!!


Thursday, April 08, 2010

Live from my iPhone

My Short Blog - April 8, 2010

Yesterday my phone, internet and cable were shut off by Verizon. We knew it was going to happen and with everything going on it was pointless to fight it off. Having said that, it is maddening not to be able to get online to check news, Facebook, Twitter and of course, update this blog which has become a vital part of my therapy for getting through the rough seas I am currently navigating. Luckily my iPhone has access to my email, Facebook (lite), Twitter and web browsing but not without its drawbacks. Drawbacks aside its better than nothing. Now the internet and phone are covered (lets not forget the PHONE part of the iPhone), but the cable part of the equation is where trouble begins. No cable means no DVR and no DVR means no shows are being recorded for viewing later. Now you might ask yourself, "What about just hooking up an antenna?" That is a great question and I am glad you asked. The problem there is this: Last June the FCC shut down the analog signal in favor of a digital signal. In order to receive the digital signal I would need to purchase a converter. And while the idea crossed my mind, I haven't got a pot to piss in so a TV converter is out of the question…. The name of my new game is total responsible behavior because without that, my situation will never get any better. I can go without TV to serve the greater good plus its springtime…though if it were wintertime, I fear I might be on the corner whoring myself out for money to get the converter. I know, its a frightening visual…

Started my psoriasis meeds today. Already feeling some relief…but I know the payday comes a week or so from now with daily application. Stay tuned.

I spoke to my friend I had a disagreement with last Friday today. We both understand our friendship has been strained for some time now and mutually decided space was needed in order to take care of some personal stuff. From where I sit, we are still dear friends and when the time is right we will resume our friendship where it can be afforded a stronger basis and a lot more enjoyable. And because my friends mean so much to me, I look forward to that day.

Lastly, I wanted to throw a bone of contention to the she-devil who was in the Market Basket parking lot a few days ago trying to back her SUV into a parking spot while talking on the phone. GET OFF THE FUCKING PHONE!!!!!!! I DON'T CARE IF YOU THINK YOU CAN DO IT, IT'S OBVIOUS YOU CAN'T. SO PUT THE PHONE DOWN AND CALL MUFFY BACK AND TELL HER MORE ABOUT THE CUTE GUY IN THE RED MINIVAN WITH THE TWO ADORABLE KIDS…oh wait…hehehe…you go right on talking… I'll wait….

Still searching for a tagline,


Monday, April 05, 2010

TJM-in-training & Rising Son


Went to my doctor today, well the nurse practitioner who I have seen in the past when my doctor is booked up.  She is really nice and capable so I trust her as I would my own doctor.  Trouble has been my shoulders range of motion has really decreased over the past several weeks.  With everything going on, my shoulder was the least of my worries.  However this changed when I tried to swat a fly the other day and the motion of swinging my arm towards the ceiling sent shockwaves of pain through my shoulder and down to my elbow.  My daughter was standing there when it happened, and without blinking, taking a page from the typical jewish mother handbook, "Daddy you really should see a doctor about that!"  So the diagnosis was bursitis and a treatment was prescribed.  When I came home I saw my daughter first and without missing a beat she said "I said you would feel better after you went to the doctor's daddy!"  She's a keeper!

Finally get my psoriasis meds tomorrow.  Hopefully relief is a week away!

In my quest to add more substance to my demo reel I decided to take on a project for the sole purpose of bulking up said demo reel.  I am making a 10-15 minute documentary on my hometown of Malden.  I am not sure what the focus will be either "My memory of Malden" or a Past Present Future" thing.  I may even just create a "trailer" for a documentary that doesn't exist.  At any rate, yesterday I went out and shot footage around Malden.  While I was driving around and looking at the city through the camera I was struck with a bit of nostalgia.  Some of you who know me know I am a nostalgia whore and quite frankly that trait hasn't served me to well in my life.  My nostalgia brought me to think of two people from my past I haven't spoken to in a long while.  I've wanted to reconnect with them but wondered if I should.  I've had their numbers in my phone for a while now but for whatever reason I haven't called.  Long story short (TOO LATE!) I left messages for both and now just wait for a response if one is coming.

And lastly I will end with this story.  Tonight we were sitting down as a family and eating dinner.  I grilled some burgers and dogs, the wife made veggies and some brown rice.  Call us odd but we generally eat our burgers bun-less.  Why did I tell you that...IDK.  So there we are sitting at the table and I just ingested my one diet soda for the day and felt a rumblie in my tumblie.  Without the benefit of thought I extended my index finger to my son seated next to me in his high chair and uttered the word spoken by my father, his father before him and his father before him...."PULL MY FINGER!"  My son looked into my eyes as if to say
"I know this is really important to you and believe this to be a bonding moment...I gotta be honest with you, I think so I will pull your finger and you can expel your digestive tract gas and we'll  laugh and share the moment...because I love you....but take notice big guy...there will come a day when I will need you to do me a solid...."  
The moment passes then the gas, a hearty laugh was shared by father and son and the world felt a little less sucky for that moment....and well this moment too as I write it here.  Thank you JD...Daddy loves you.

Ok,  That's all I have for today...  Still searching for a closing tag line.


Saturday, April 03, 2010

Day Two - Gotta Be Starting Somethin'


This being the day after my first post, I found myself feeling a little better than I have the past several weeks.  It's obviously debatable if it was the previous post or something else that brought on the good vibe today.  Either way, I'll take it.  

As I was driving to an appointment today I was thinking about this blog.  What should I do with it?  Who should I target?  Should I find a hook?  The best I could come up with was the decision to have recurring themes / subjects.  Here now are the list of recurring themes (in no particular order) I will be blogging about.  Obviously I refrain from limiting myself to theses...

  • Daily life
  • Diabetes
  • Psoriasis
  • Exercise and the lack thereof 
  • Eating  and the abundance thereof
  • Film / Video production / Whoring myself out as an editor
  • Therapy
  • Parenting
  • Marriage
  • TBD
Today's entry is just a mish mash.  I had started to talk about my pain due to the untreated psoriasis but I quickly grew bored with what I was writing...actually felt myself nodding off while typing.  May actually go into stream of conscience writing for the rest of todays entry because my mind is racing with many different streams....of course the constant stream is the persistent itch from my back and abdomen from the psoriasis covering better than 60% of my body right now.  I've been talking to people about my plan to make a documentary about my battle with psoriasis on a personal level and how I had to overcome what I felt were the worlds eyes on me whenever my flare ups were seen by the public.  Society's reaction to my affliction range from no reaction to repulsion and everywhere in between.  I remember being on my honeymoon in Aruba and being afraid to take of my shirt at the beach because of the fear that everyone would be looking at me and thinking something...anything really.  It's a lousy feeling.  Thankfully I got to a place where I wasn't going to care what people thought or care about their looks (and there were plenty of them).  It was very difficult but it was the first step in my rethinking process.  I no longer care what people think about it.  I am open and honest about it and will discuss my knowledge about the condition with anyone who wants to be educated.  Guess I went back to psoriasis without nodding off.  Second time is a charm I guess....

Tomorrow is Easter.  My daughter asked me today what Easter "was for".  Being I am not an overly religious man I told her 4 year old-ness that Easter was a springtime holiday to celebrate the revival of the leaves on the trees, flowers, all of natures treasures that have been dormant all winter long.  When she asked about the Easter Bunny and his part in the holiday I told her to ask her mother.... I wasn't going to ruin my gem of an answer on a bunny.

I gotta get back to walking and running.  I was happy when I was doing that.  I was an idiot to have fallen so far....Gotta get back...Nike's slogan is effective for the simple reason it's simple...Just Do It...  which to me means, no excuses, no bullshit....get it done....start with one step...Just Do It...Just Do It....Just Do It....

Had a disagreement on Friday with someone I am very close with.  My fear is we are not as close anymore.  I guess time will tell.  I've lost too many friends over the years.  It kills me a little bit each time.  I hope we'll be ok, rather better.  If you are reading this, you know your opinion matters.

Ok 8:42 on Saturday night...the wife and her friend are having a visit in the kitchen.  The little one is sleeping and my daughter is headed the way of the sandman soon.  I am going to dig out my Beyond The Basics Final Cut book and learn a few more things.  

I suppose I should come up with a standard exit phrase....Guess I'll save that for another for now...



Friday, April 02, 2010

The Paul Report - April 2, 2010


I was hoping by starting up a blogger page my muse would instantly return from the exceedingly long vacation it has been on.  Today is April 2 and I haven't been able to form a creative thought for several months now.  Frankly I am fit to be tied.  I hate not being creative.  Creativity is like crack to me and it has alway been like that for the things that jazz me.  Several years ago I would sit for hours coding Active Server Pages (ASP) tying into databases, creating forms, collecting data and hours would fly by.  Before that it was doing prep work for a job as a radio personality.  It wasn't uncommon to see me huddle over a stack of newspapers and a computer looking for stuff to write jokes about.  If hours past and I was oblivious of the passage of time, I knew my muse was stroking my creative shaft and I loved it!!!

Lately it has been quite the opposite.  Yes life is very different now compared to back then.  Marriage, kids, job, unemployment, pending foreclosure.  The dark cloud has sent my muse into a hole so deep Satan himself was quoted as saying "Are you fucking kidding me... I ain't going down there!"

I miss my muse so much these days.  My personal life is in shambles.  My health is severely out of control.  My professional life is utter chaos without a college degree ( I am self educated and worked in my field of expertise for 20 years).  After I got laid off from my job I thought it would be a perfect time to pursue my dream job of Final Cut editing.  As fate would have it, a string of what I can only describe as a reign of unfortunate situations stopped me in my tracks.  Not only were my goals shut down but as a person I was closing up shop.  If it wasn't house related items needing repairs, marriage issues and lack of job it was car accidents, a swarm of locust & water turning to blood.  2009 was not a banner year and 2010 hasn't shown much promise either.

I feel my mind starting to drain of all original thought.  Gotta run, until next time.