Saturday, April 03, 2010

Day Two - Gotta Be Starting Somethin'


This being the day after my first post, I found myself feeling a little better than I have the past several weeks.  It's obviously debatable if it was the previous post or something else that brought on the good vibe today.  Either way, I'll take it.  

As I was driving to an appointment today I was thinking about this blog.  What should I do with it?  Who should I target?  Should I find a hook?  The best I could come up with was the decision to have recurring themes / subjects.  Here now are the list of recurring themes (in no particular order) I will be blogging about.  Obviously I refrain from limiting myself to theses...

  • Daily life
  • Diabetes
  • Psoriasis
  • Exercise and the lack thereof 
  • Eating  and the abundance thereof
  • Film / Video production / Whoring myself out as an editor
  • Therapy
  • Parenting
  • Marriage
  • TBD
Today's entry is just a mish mash.  I had started to talk about my pain due to the untreated psoriasis but I quickly grew bored with what I was writing...actually felt myself nodding off while typing.  May actually go into stream of conscience writing for the rest of todays entry because my mind is racing with many different streams....of course the constant stream is the persistent itch from my back and abdomen from the psoriasis covering better than 60% of my body right now.  I've been talking to people about my plan to make a documentary about my battle with psoriasis on a personal level and how I had to overcome what I felt were the worlds eyes on me whenever my flare ups were seen by the public.  Society's reaction to my affliction range from no reaction to repulsion and everywhere in between.  I remember being on my honeymoon in Aruba and being afraid to take of my shirt at the beach because of the fear that everyone would be looking at me and thinking something...anything really.  It's a lousy feeling.  Thankfully I got to a place where I wasn't going to care what people thought or care about their looks (and there were plenty of them).  It was very difficult but it was the first step in my rethinking process.  I no longer care what people think about it.  I am open and honest about it and will discuss my knowledge about the condition with anyone who wants to be educated.  Guess I went back to psoriasis without nodding off.  Second time is a charm I guess....

Tomorrow is Easter.  My daughter asked me today what Easter "was for".  Being I am not an overly religious man I told her 4 year old-ness that Easter was a springtime holiday to celebrate the revival of the leaves on the trees, flowers, all of natures treasures that have been dormant all winter long.  When she asked about the Easter Bunny and his part in the holiday I told her to ask her mother.... I wasn't going to ruin my gem of an answer on a bunny.

I gotta get back to walking and running.  I was happy when I was doing that.  I was an idiot to have fallen so far....Gotta get back...Nike's slogan is effective for the simple reason it's simple...Just Do It...  which to me means, no excuses, no bullshit....get it done....start with one step...Just Do It...Just Do It....Just Do It....

Had a disagreement on Friday with someone I am very close with.  My fear is we are not as close anymore.  I guess time will tell.  I've lost too many friends over the years.  It kills me a little bit each time.  I hope we'll be ok, rather better.  If you are reading this, you know your opinion matters.

Ok 8:42 on Saturday night...the wife and her friend are having a visit in the kitchen.  The little one is sleeping and my daughter is headed the way of the sandman soon.  I am going to dig out my Beyond The Basics Final Cut book and learn a few more things.  

I suppose I should come up with a standard exit phrase....Guess I'll save that for another for now...



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