Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Not Fade Away

Not Fade Away

My life as it stands today is a mix bag of missteps, mistakes and missed opportunities. I should point out however my life is not over yet. I have decided to take back my life. My life is not a collection of my mistakes. My life is not about the bad choices I have made time and time again. This life I am leading is not about where I am today. My life is about what I am going to DO today to secure my better tomorrow. My life is about remembering the missteps, mistakes and missed opportunities, learning where I went wrong and saying "Screw You" to ever falling down the rabbit hole again. But what is all this talk without a plan? I'll tell you….it's crap. feces, cow patty, waste, refuse….it's shit. So what's my plan? Do I, in fact, have a plan? The answer is yes… not yes and no, not maybe, not I think so. If my answer wasn't a solid yes without hesitation, I am back having blue hawaiians with the Tidy-Bowl man. I am the fucking king of "kinda have a plan but I have to wait for certain things to happen to make the plan work." That has served me about as well as a David Ortiz at bat in the young MLB season. Without a plan, without careful execution of the plan I will end up going down swinging without making any kind of progress. And where does that lead?….that's right…more shit.

Say what you want about Keanu Reeves but his speech in "The Replacements" about being in quicksand is right on. It's so easy to get trapped. The plan works when you submit to the plan, believe the plan and execute the plan. This time I trust the plan no matter what happens along the way. It could come to pass that life throws me a curve ball and a part of the plan gets tripped up. In the past that would spell doom for the whole plan because I wasn't completely committed to the plan. Now should I get tripped up (and I am sure I will) I can compensate, re-adjust, quickly reevaluate and keep the plan alive because I TRUST THE PLAN, which in turn means I trust me to get through the plan with my goals achieved and even surpassed. I have finally arrived at the place I need to be. A place where my fucking mess of a life doesn't make sense to me anymore and I taking back control of it once and for all. It's never not too late. It's not impossible. It just takes the commitment to the plan, the code to make it what I want it to be.

Words on a computer screen are cheap…and mine are cheaper than most. The action steps within my plan are obtainable with absolute commitment to the code I have laid out before me. I can't be half in anymore. No longer can I afford to be the king of "I tried", "I can't", "It's too hard", "My life is too crazy" or any of the hundreds of excuses I have used over the years. I merely have to be the man who says less and does more. To quote a great line from a so-so movie,

"I'd piss on a spark plug if I thought it would do any good"

Start that engine and ZZZZZZZZZIP!!!! I got stuff to do.

Still looking for a good tagline,



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